Although the next step I need to take is to find a local teacher for lessons, I thought taking stock of my knowledge of available online resources would be a good idea.
Metronome Online is a nice and simple metronome app on a website. It clicks. What else could you ask for?
Learning Resources:
Wheat's Bass Book: a site I remember from way back-- lots of simple lessons and exercises. I plan on using this as a starting point until I start lessons.
Study Bass. Another study program from a teacher in Texas. I've seen it linked a few places, and it looks interesting.
Community is a big part of learning, but I'm a little wary of spending time talking instead of playing. I've been down that road, and it leads nowhere good. However, having a place online to talk to other bass players can be a great resource.
THE forum when it comes to talking about bass online, TalkBass is full of bass players of all levels with more knowledge about theory, technique, and gear than I could learn in a lifetime. I have a tendency to get lost in reading and research, neither of which are conducive to actually learning to play bass. I plan on visiting TalkBass and sites like it only when I have specific information I need.
Reddit is a community based link aggregator. There's a bass subtopic, so I can browse here to get interesting bass related links. I find it less of a quagmire than forums, since it's discussion about something rather than endless topics about which bass players are awesome and which styles suck. Plus I read Reddit occasionally for other topics.
Tab archives:
For bass tab, I haven't seen another site out there that comes close to BassMasta. Not only do they have the biggest and most varied collection of tabs I've seen (although still incomplete-- not a single Lucero tab on the site, unfortunately), they also have a great collection of riffs and movie/TV themes. The Bond bass line? Yeah, I need to know that. Super Mario Bros level 1-2 music? Yup, that's must have.
Well, and then there's YouTube. There's lots of crap there, but also some great "how to" and other instructional videos. It'll make a nice injection of live inspiration into practices.
I'm sure I'm missing some great resources, but these should be enough to get me off to a good start. I don't think any of them will make as big a difference as working with a teacher will.
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